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10:30 am Playtime @ the Library/Tiempo de juego en la bibliotecas

Theme/Temática: Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Time/Hora10:30 am - 11:30 am

The children will understand the diversity of Christmas around the world. 


Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling

Recommended reading/Lectura recomendada:

Peter Tschaikowsky. Der Nussknacker: Ein Musik-Bilderbuch zum Hören by Jessica Courtney-Tickle

Who Lives in the Wood? by Chatty Parrot

The Cobweb Christmas by Shirley Climo

Christmas Tree

Take home/Para llevar a casa
Holidays Around the World Lapbook

A colorful library ad featuring three books, a cartoon cat with a book, and "Playtime Tiempo de Juego" text.
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