September 2, 2023 Questions & Answers
- QUESTION: Since the project schedule is undetermined and it was stated that it is likely that the design team will pause services following conceptual and programming phases, should the design teams plan for a certain percent increase of bill rates year over year that the JCLD will accept? Shall we provide our fixed fee as well as our rate table at this time? ANSWER – The JCLD is not asking for fees at this stage of the solicitation. A selected shortlist of firms to be interviewed may be asked for fee information, and/or JCLD may negotiate fees with the firm that has been notified with an intent to award.
- QUESTION: Does JCLD have a general site plan clarifying the boundaries of the combined parcels that would be impacted by the high-level master plan? ANSWER – See the attached document showing current JCLD tax lots. All lots are on the table as options for the project, but their future is yet to be determined.
- QUESTION: Under Phase 1 Basic Services - Conceptual & Programming Services, please confirm that the Landscape Architecture consultant will participate in evaluating needs/goals/priorities in order to generate the high-level master plan. ANSWER - Confirmed
- QUESTION: Are there a specific number of public outreach events or meetings that we should anticipate attending to communicate design options and engage the community in the design process? Will these community outreach meetings be organized by the JCLD project manager? ANSWER - JCLD anticipates community engagement as part of the design process, which is anticipated to be led by the selected design firm. Quantity of outreach events is not known at this time.
- QUESTION: While not explicitly stated under Phase 2 - Basic Services - Schematic Design Services, please confirm if the intent is to include Landscape Design/Documentation alongside the rest of the listed consultants for Design/Documentation. ANSWER - Confirmed
- QUESTION: Shall the landscape team include fees for travel time & expenses - do you want to see that broken out separately from design fees? ANSWER – The JCLD is not asking for fees at this stage of the solicitation. A selected shortlist of firms to be interviewed may be asked for fee information, and/or JCLD may negotiate fees with the firm that has been notified with an intent to award.
- QUESTION: Has a preliminary Budget been created? ANSWER – No budget has been created at this time.
- QUESTION: Does the Library have any Sustainability Certification goals or targets for the project at this time or will these be determined during the PreDesign phase? ANSWER – JCLD does not have any specific sustainability targets for the project. Any such targets will be identified and worked through with the selected design team.
- QUESTION: Does the Library plan to stay operational in its current building during construction or to find a temporary location? ANSWER – JCLD plans to maintain some form of operations for the community during construction. However, it is not determined at this time how or where services will be provided.
- QUESTION: Is there a projected Construction Budget for the project? ANSWER – No budget has been established for the project at this time.
- QUESTION: Has a budget been established for the project? Both construction costs and project costs. ANSWER – No budget has been established for the project at this time.
- QUESTION: Does JCLD anticipate community engagement as part of the design process? ANSWER – Yes, the JCLD anticipates community engagement as part of the design process.

Jefferson County Library District Tax Lots